Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Dear Friends

Aloha from Hawaii. I need your encouragment. Please call me, leave me comments, tell me what God is doing in your life. For the past like week I have gotten distracted from God by Girls heck its true. I can't wait to get back to my Godly friends. It's not like I have become a hula girl worshiper but just distracted. Please pray for me. Now I am doing much better but still need your Love. The past week I have not even read my bible once but that is chaging now because God is helping I was being a big FAT PIG. I am so sorry I don't know if you realized it but I was. Thank you all my friends for being faithfull to me. With much love from your brother in CHRIST Luke. Mahalo


At 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 1:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey luke,
i'll pray for you. don't listen to those other comments, enjoy your time there and look at it as a chance to grow in your relationship with god. remember one time at y/g sean said he liked it best when kids left becuses he can see how strong thier realastionships /w god are 'cause it's harder to stay stong with out your godly friends there to support to. just remember were praying for you. we all love and miss you.
your sis in christ. bridget

At 1:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey lukie,
just wanted you to know we miss you, and were praying for you.

At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey luke,
i hate reading stuff like that escpecially on a cool site like this,don't let stuipid things people say get to you,stay strong. keep praying.and keep reading, have a good time there.
your sis in christ

At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't believe what some people will say. I have been praying for and I DEMAND you to read your Bible, but also grow in Jesus in the way that He's leading you to go.
I have been wondering why you haven't updated your blog, but I thought you just hadn't had time...but for the wrong reasons, huh?
Love and miss you Luke,

At 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey luke,
you should call us more and tell us how it's going or if you need prayer. don't look at it as being away from your friends, see it as a chance to get closer to god, and i hope your enjoying your time there because, dude HAWAII, i mean just have fun and don't forget to read your Bible! it's awsome how much just reading helps. so read,call and pray and the time will fly by inless you don't want it to anyway,
we all miss and love you
your sis in christ

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Waywordgrrl said...

Hey Luke! You're in my prayer journal remember? I drew that pic of you holding up the sign? Sigh. I sure miss your happy face in front of my video camera. There is nothing like you jumping up and down at youth group, and we miss you something terrible.

Jesus is your friend, and He's always there when you need Him.
You'll be home soon, take your time to get to know Him when you're alone...we'll be here!

Lots of love and prayers from SarahLynn

At 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't been here since it used to be all black and spooky looking. Anyway hang in there, Hawaii can't be to bad,

At 8:41 PM, Blogger Sean said...

Luke, it is encouraging to hear that you caught yourself being distracted. Too often we rely on those around us to keep us in check, whether our friends or even our all-knowing youth leaders *sarcasm*. Hang in there! God is not as concerned with how we fall as He is with how we get back up.

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAVIN FUN? I know you are, so don't deny it. Anyway, this site is cool and stuff. Okay I'm out of cool ideas to say stuff. ADIOS


At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only hula girl you should be looking at is Misty Waves!! :)
Anyways, Luke you are awesome no matter what those stupid people who wrote on your blog said. (The ones you had to delete i mean.) I am glad that even without us there to "keep an eye on you," at least you can see when you are struggling, even if it is a little late. When ever you need help/encouragement just call, write or something! I will try to be better at calling you too! Have been kind of slacking! Sorry! Anyways keep reading Gods word and applying it. It is easy to read it and then shove it in the back of your mind. Use what you gain from reading the Word for HIS glory! I pray for you and yes you are in my God journal too. Have fun in Hawaii with your family! 2 weeks is not that much longer! I miss you terribly and so do the rest of your friends. Be safe and God Bless! Rae Poca

At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Luke
Yeah I'll be praying for you. it's funny because the other day i prayed at random for you about that exzact thing. God is so awsome and I know that he will work in you as you're off in the sun. I'll continue to pray for you... i did try to call you but you weren't there. Any who. Know that i'm praying for you, i miss you lots,love you and i'm sorry for all the misspelled words in this thing. I probly spelt misspelled wrong. Any who, God bless you and your in my prayers.

At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Luke, this is Chelsea's friend Molly....ALOHA! Hope your having fun in Hawaii, your in my prayers, stay strong with Him! ~ Molly


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